Not Letting Anxiety Rule You And Your Career

Ah, another beautiful morning! Time to grab that coffee, open up your favorite news app, and… oh look, the world is ending again. In seven different ways this time! Fantastic. If you’re like most of us doom-scrolling professionals trying to adult our way through the 2020s, your morning routine probably includes a side of “everything […]

Resetting Goals Through Pivoting: Learning and Growing

Resetting goals through pivoting is hard but necessary. You’ve already put in the effort and resources into bringing your vision to life. And just when you think it’s all set and ready to be a success, things change. The market’s changing, the messaging isn’t reaching, or the timing just isn’t right. The idea can still […]

Creating Inclusion To Unlock Diversity Hiring Part 4: Creating Safety

Man with headphones working with his laptop

Welcome back! If you’ve been on this series with us, you know we’ve talked about inclusion, belonging, and the quest for equality.  Today, we stand at the fourth installment in our series: Creating Safety. Workplace safety isn’t just about physical well-being; it’s about being your true self without fear or reservation. It’s about knowing that […]

Breaking Barriers: Why Girls in ICT Day Matters

Girl checking computer

You’ve heard about Girls in STEM, but what about Girls in ICT?  While the spotlight often shines on encouraging young women to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, the realm of Information and Communication Technologies still remains in the shadows. In this article, we’ll talk about the importance of establishing a day that […]

Creating Inclusion To Unlock Diversity Hiring Part 1: The power of inclusion

Let me first state the obvious: Building a top-performing, diverse team isn’t a box-checking exercise. It’s a deliberate effort and a strategic investment in future innovation and success. While we all understand why top performance is required, the business case for team diversity has become fuzzy for some organizations lately. The business case of inclusion […]