Why Customizing Hiring Processes Gets You the Best Talent Out There

So let’s say that you’re trying to fill a role in your company. You’ve done all the necessary steps to find candidates but once you get to the interview stage, there’s something that’s not clicking. Or perhaps you’re not getting as many applicants as you hoped. Well there could be a solution, but it would […]
Why Education Bias Might Be Limiting Your Hiring Practices

What would you say is the top thing to look for in a resume? Now think about what you really want to know about candidates during an interview. There’s experience, problem-solving, teamwork, leadership, etc. However, it’s still pretty common to see job descriptions that include requirements related to education such as particular degrees or education […]
Does Every Hire Really Need to Align With Company Vision and Values?

When it comes to bringing in new teammates to get your product to the next level, a checklist of criteria is common and necessary. You want to know more about candidates’ skills, experience, collaboration, and problem solving. But what about the way they deal with feedback? Or organize tasks? After all, a strong team is […]
Why Hiring from a Global Pool Brings the Best Talent to Your Company

What do you most value when it comes to building the best team? Results or comfort? You might say results, but then when considering going out of your comfort zone in terms of hiring from a global and remote talent pool, you’ll settle for what’s easier to manage. However, even thinking that hiring globally is […]
Building the Right Team for Your Product

When it comes to building the best product, founders know what they’re looking for: something that eases the lives of customers. This can be something that improves everyday tasks or even a gotta-have they didn’t even know they needed before. So why is it that when it comes to assembling the team that will bring […]
How to Become a True Business Partner Within the Evolving Role of People Operations

When it comes to supporting your team as a Business Partner, knowing how to continuously evolve and grow is key. Any kind of feedback or situation (even crises!) can become a chance to adapt and stay relevant in the current business landscape. However, it all starts with having a strong foundation of values and beliefs […]
The importance of continuous talent conversations

Back in 2018, I wrote about this topic for TLNT. And several startups, years, and life events later, I thought the article deserved to be refreshed since AI is invading the way hiring platforms and companies engage with the talent market. Building outstanding teams has always been a competitive process. Companies must constantly be on […]