How aware are you of the image your company has out there? It might seem like a random idea or concept, but imagine if word of mouth had job seekers hearing about toxic culture or being ghosted during the recruitment process. What if a great candidate decided not to apply for a role simply because they heard something negative about your organization? Wouldn’t you want to fix this asap?
The best way to ensure great talent is visibility. When prospective applicants know your company and are in alignment with your mission and values, their interest in applying goes beyond the role. They are invested in becoming a part of the team they’re applying for.
But how do you reach out to the best applicants who will be engaged and interested in working towards your goals? More than just promoting the perks and benefits you provide everyone on the team, you should also include how expectations are communicated and the ways you work as a team. Be honest about what makes your organization unique and what they can relate to from the get-go.
After sharing your ethics and values, details like PTO policies, healthcare options, bonuses, etc. also let job seekers know that you’re a great place to work. You’d be surprised to know how much these small things weigh when it comes to applicants. They might be looking through social media and job sites, as well as review spots like Glassdoor and Fishbowl. They might be finding out through their peers and from would-be coworkers. When the information is delivered by a third party without a vested interest in whether someone else gets a job or not, it feels different. It’s no longer a talking point but a valuable piece of information.
Does Anyone Give Positive Reviews Anymore?
When’s the last time you left a thumbs up online to the restaurant you dined at? It’s more likely that if you had terrible service, gross food, or an overpriced check that you went online to complain the moment you got home. You probably also texted your friends to tell them to never step foot in there.
It seems like nobody gives positive reviews anymore. But think about what would inspire you to leave a glowing review? Would it be outstanding service from the restaurant staff? A meal to die for? The one thing that can push someone to write a positive review can actually be something that is great on all sides. It’s the fact that from the moment you went to have your name added to the waiting list the host offered some ice tea. Maybe it also helps that your server knew the menu and wasn’t just trying to get you to order the most expensive thing. It can even be that when it came time to pay the check you realized you have paid more for more meh experiences.
Developing your employer brand isn’t that different from this. It’s about creating an experience that will leave an impact on job seekers, teammates, and customers. Every bit matters, and letting others know about it is just as important.
Incentivize and Reward (But Don’t Be Weird About It)
When it comes to elevating your employer brand it can be tempting to request your team to fill the internet with positive reviews. However, most of us are good at sensing when something’s fake. Not enough details? Are all the comments too good to be true? Come on.
If you’re strong-arming your team to say that working at your company is the best thing that’s ever happened to them, applicants will smell it a mile away. Why? Because there won’t be any details or personal experience tidbits that show it’s real. Same thing happens when you only see good things about a restaurant but no mention of what they’re selling.
You can incentivize your team to share what it’s like working at your company while also rewarding honesty. If you’re already creating a supportive and safe environment, then there shouldn’t be any worries about what they’ll be sharing.
Show Real Respect
When individuals invest time in your company it’s crucial to show that you appreciate their time and effort regardless of the outcome. One of the top complaints from candidates and employees is lack of communication. This is a simple fix that will yield huge brand results.
None of us like to be kept in limbo. Yet the common trap that HR/Talent teams fall into is dropping the cone of silence over anything not super positive to avoid liability. A horrible mistake. Unless you are actually doing something to be ashamed of, don’t avoid communicating just because the news is not ideal. People can handle rejection when it’s delivered in an honest and respectful way.
Nothing says; “you are not important” like silence when some kind of answer is expected. And that is the last thing you ever want to communicate.
Great Teams Attract Talent
Ensuring your internal culture and communication will build a strong cohesive team that’ll make waves. Make sure that you provide tools and growth opportunities and your team will show that to others who are looking you up. You don’t need to over promote yourself when you have already sowed the seeds.
Your employer brand building starts with your daily operations, with every email and meeting, and all the interactions that lead to reaching goals. Don’t worry about promoting your perks, make your company a great place to work. You’ll be sure to get the best talent easily.

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