Creating Inclusion

Creating Inclusion To Unlock Diversity Hiring Part 3: Guaranteeing Equality

Hello and welcome back to our series about unlocking diversity hiring through inclusion. In our last article we discussed how to move past a policy of inclusion to create real belonging. But as we talked in Part 1, there is no one solution to achieving authentic inclusion. This clearly means that every distinct effort is dependent on the other. It’s like building a solid structure – every piece has to work together. Just like in a house, if you take out a crucial beam, the whole thing could collapse. And in this geometric metaphor, Equality plays an outsized role in our construct. 


The definition of equality is always equality

If there is one aspect of DEIB that I obsess over, it’s Equality. The word “equal” is the first word in the name of our company. And like many women and minorities I have endured a lifetime of presentations of inequality. Being made to feel that you are not equal to the person next to you is never a positive. And when it happens as a deliberate act it just lands differently and makes the problem even more evident. So why is something so obvious and basic so difficult to achieve?

Whenever I struggle to understand humanity I often turn to the words of the great Dr. Martin Luther King. I never cease to be amazed at just how much he contemplated and understood about the human condition. Dr. King once said; “I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” 

This timeless quote encapsulates the essence of equality — the idea that every individual should have the same opportunities, rights, and treatment regardless of their race, gender, ethnicity, or any other characteristic. 


How can we ensure equality?

Guaranteeing equality means implementing policies and practices that level the playing field for all candidates. This might involve a few points we must push forward. The hiring process is one of the most important steps into building a diverse and inclusive community. When it comes to recruiting new talent, you must make sure that every step is fair and unbiased and you are focusing solely on qualifications and experience. This ensures that everyone has an equal chance to showcase their skills.

Once hired, your talent should find themselves in an environment where equal access to opportunities is not just a slogan or a catchy phrase, but a reality. It’s essential to open the door to career advancement programs, mentorship opportunities, and networking events, regardless of their gender, race, or background.

Now, let’s talk about money. Your company shouldn’t be afraid to address gender and racial pay gaps. Historically, women have often been paid less than men for similar work, highlighting the need to talk about this disparity and act on it.

According to UN Women, at the pace things are going, it will take almost 300 years to achieve economic gender parity. Achieving pay equity involves steps such as conducting pay audits, eliminating bias in pay determination processes, having clear rules on how salaries and bonuses are determined, promoting transparency, advocating for policy changes, and educating employees about their rights.


Key strategies to impulse equality

A crucial aspect of promoting diversity and inclusion is ensuring that leadership positions and decision-making roles reflect the diverse makeup of the workforce. It’s not just about ticking boxes; diverse leadership means fresh perspectives and better decisions while minimizing the  blind spots.

Inclusive policies and benefits play a vital role in supporting employees from diverse backgrounds. Whether it’s offering flexible work arrangements to accommodate different schedules and needs, providing parental leave to support working parents, or offering accommodations for employees with disabilities, these policies demonstrate a commitment to creating a supportive and inclusive work environment for all.

Last but not least, keep improving your initiatives. Regularly check in on how things are going, ask your team for feedback, and don’t be afraid to switch things up. By staying responsive to the evolving needs of the workforce, organizations can create a workplace culture where everyone feels empowered to contribute their unique talents and perspectives.


The harsh reality in equality

Microaggressions and discrimination are still a big deal in the workplace, and they seriously take a toll on our efforts for equality. Even with all the talk about diversity and inclusion, there are still these sneaky little comments and behaviors that can make life downright uncomfortable for folks from marginalized groups. Microaggressions are often – but not always – verbal and can masquerade as compliments.

Whether it’s those “harmless” jokes or being passed over for opportunities because of who you are, it’s crucial to identify them immediately to shut them down. To combat this, we’ve got to step up and speak out against these microaggressions. It’s about fostering an environment where everyone feels valued and respected, regardless of their background. That means setting clear expectations, educating ourselves and our colleagues about unconscious bias, and holding ourselves accountable for our actions. 

It’s a journey, no doubt, and an ever-evolving one. But also one that’s essential if we’re serious about turning workplace equality from a dream into a reality.

We’ll discuss more in our next blog. Be sure to follow us for the latest articles in this series. For more information about EQUALS TRUE please contact us at: Visit us at

We want to hear from you! Share your thoughts, experiences, and ideas in the comments below, and don’t forget to stay tuned for the next articles in our journey toward a more equitable and inclusive workplace. 


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